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Exclusive VIP Content
Behind the Scenes Footage from The Quest
The Knight Errant
In this exclusive behind the scenes clip, President Jonathan J. Sanford explains how the Knight Errant is an inspiring image for the Christian. Like the Knight Errant, we are all called to go outside ourselves and act courageously, whatever obstacles we face.
An Adventure
In this exclusive sneak peak from episode 2 of The Quest, Theology Professor Irene Alexander inspires us to take up the task that God calls us to, trusting in Him to make up for our weakness. When we do so with faith, she explains, our task can become an adventure.
Overcoming Obstacles with Courage
In this exclusive behind the scenes clip, President Jonathan J. Sanford explains how many obstacles can only be overcome with courage and love. Courage helps us persevere in a difficult task, and love directs us toward the goods we seek. If our love is sufficient and grounded in God’s grace, then no obstacle is insurmountable.
Blessed Franz’s Courage
In this exclusive sneak peek from episode 3 of The Quest, Theology Professor and Cistercian monk Fr. John Bayer introduces us to the courage of Blessed Franz. When he refused to serve the Nazi regime, Blessed Franz was ostracized by his community. But his courage enabled him to stand firm and eventually to accept his death.
Join us for discussions between Shannon Valenzuela, writer and director of The Quest, and prominent Christian voices who will share their own personal stories of steadfast courage, hope, and love.